Past Events

Past Events

Deadline for fall HDW undergraduate fellowships applications

Workshop: The Command Line for the Digital Humanist

Workshop: Data Cleanup with OpenRefine

2015 Matheson lecturer Johanna Drucker

Workshop: Data exploration and calculation in your browser

Workshop: Working with Spreadsheets

Deadline for spring HDW undergraduate fellowships applications

Workshop: Graphs and Networks

Workshop: Data Visualization Survey

Workshop: Websites as Text Technology

Deadline for HDW summer workshop fellowships

Workshop: Linguistic Tools for Semantic History

Digital humanities talk by Scott Weingart

Busch 18

History Colloquium: "Rethinking the Long Reformation: Purity, Purgation, and Religious Refugees in the Early Modern World"

Nick Terpstra, University of Toronto
Busch 18

"Sense, Space, and the City: Digital Mapping of Renaissance Florence."

Nick Terpstra, University of Toronto

Deadline for HDW fall workshop fellowships

Victor Blau Memorial Lecture on New Media: "Disruptors, Influencers, Makers: Media Studies at the Crossroads"

John T. Caldwell, Professor of Cinema and Media Studies, Department of Film, Television, and Digital Media, University of California, Los Angeles
Hurst Lounge (Room 201), Duncker Hall

Lauren Klein / The Shape of History: Reimagining Nineteenth-Century Data Visualization

Hurst Lounge (Room 201), Duncker Hall

Deadline for Spring 2017 HDW undergrad fellowships

We Don't Already Understand the Outlines of Literary History

Ted Underwood
Hurst Lounge, Duncker Hall (English Department)

Varieties of Cultural History: Scaling in Chinese Digital History

Hilde De Weerdt, University of Leiden
Busch 18

Varieties of Cultural History: Scaling in Chinese Digital History

Hilde De Weerdt, University of Leiden
Busch 18

Deadline for Fall 2017 Semester Fellowships

Hidden Authorial Labor in the Early Modern Social Network

J.R. Ladd

Deadline for Fall 2018 undergraduate fellowships

Art History as a Systematic Science?

Maxmilian Schich
Hurst Lounge

Deadline for Fall 2019 undergraduate fellowships

Knowing Encounters: Law, Legibility and the Rhetoric of Presence in the Early Modern Imagination

Subha Mukherji, Cambridge University

Public Lecture from Jo Guldi

Deadline for HDW Summer 2020 Fellowships

Lunch discussion or workshop

Jo Guldi

Summer Workshops

Initial deadline for Fall 2020 Undergraduate Fellowships

HDW Colloquium: Haley Shoaf and LaunchCode

Haley Shoaf is a principal at LaunchCode, a nonprofit organization that trains people for job placement in the broader technology industry through free courses in computer programming.

HDW Colloquium: Access Exploit

Join us for Emerging Voices Postdoctoral Fellow Setsuko Yokoyama's presentation on her book project, "Access Exploit"
Zoom | Contact Matt Kelley for Zoom information

HDW Colloquium: A Distant Reading of Property

Join us for a lecture and workshop by Jo Guldi, Associate Professor of History, Southern Methodist University

HDW Colloquium: A Computational Approach to Latin Prose Rhythm

Tom Keeline & Tyler Kirby

HDW Colloquium: Building a Database of Early Race Film: Meaningful Collaboration with Students

A public lecture by Miriam Posner, Assistant Professor in Information Studies & Digital Humanities at UCLA

HDW Colloquium: The Chinese Emperor's Islamic Jades: IIIF, QGIS, and Leaflet as Tools for Digital Art History

Kristina Kleutghen

Cultural Memory and the Peri-Pandemic Library

Bethany Nowviskie, Dean of Libraries, Senior Academic Technology Officer, and Professor of English, James Madison University — James E. McLeod Memorial Lecture on Higher Education
Virtual - RSVP

Freedom | Information | Acts

Studiolab Open House
Lewis Collaborative, 725 Kingsland Blvd. (shuttle & parking available)

Tracking Proust's Geography: What We Know about Places In Search of Lost Time

Melanie Conroy is an Associate Professor of French at the University of Memphis.
Wilson 214

Missouri Historical Review Author Series: Kelly Schmidt on Slavery and the Catholic Church in Missouri

Join historian Kelly Schmidt for a discussion of her research on people enslaved by the early Catholic Church in Missouri and the communities they formed to help each other through their hardships, challenge the terms of their bondage, and ultimately seek their freedom. A postdoctoral research associate for the Washington University and Slavery Project, Schmidt is the author of the April 2022 Missouri Historical Review article “Slavery and the Shaping of Catholic Missouri, 1810–1850.”

Department of Music Lecture: Michael Scott Asato Cuthbert

“The Future Drags Us Backwards: The Dangers of Canonization in Computational Music Studies”
Music Classroom Building, Room 102

DH Working Group: Gabrielle Kirilloff

Gabrielle Kirilloff (Assistant Professor, English): “Using LLM-generated literary text to study cultural discourse around literary style.”
Olin Library, Instruction Room 1, on Level A

DH Working Group: Lee Morrison, Jey Sushil Jha

Olin Library, Instruction Room 1, on Level A

DH Working Group: Katherine Bode

Olin Library, Instruction Room 1, on Level A

Digital Humanities Working Group: Peter Kastor

Olin Library Level A, Instruction Room 1

Digital Humanities Working Group: Nathan Dize