Workshops in Digital Humanities 2015-16

Workshops in Digital Humanities 2015-16



These free, not-for-credit workshops will be offered Friday mornings, 10:00–11:30. Topics may be related but the workshops are independent of each other. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop and let us know if you plan to attend.

October 9, 2015: Try a Free Operating System
Try running Ubuntu Linux from a USB drive, and see what it offers.

October 16, 2015: The Command Line for the Digital Humanist
Learn a few small language-like tools to search, sort, count, and analyze text files.

November 6, 2015: Data Cleanup with OpenRefine
Try a free tool for cleaning up messy data, like the output of an EEBO search or a sloppily constructed electronic text.

December 4, 2015: Data exploration and calculation in your browser
Stay close to your data while learning a programming language (Python).

January 15, 2016: Working with spreadsheets
Apply computational thinking in the humanities and learn some basic data skills with spreadsheets.

January 22, 2016: Databases for People Who Study Novels, Organizations, & Shards
Choices about data modeling are fundamental in scholarship that concerns itself with aggregates.

January 29, 2016: Graphs and Networks
Explore tools that help us think about the structures made by connections between things.

February 5, 2016: Data Visualization Survey
Get an overview of data visualization tools and approaches, and find out where to start learning more.

February 19, 2016: Websites as Text Technology
Take apart the web as a reader, make it your own as a writer and publisher.

March 4, 2016: Linguistic Tools for Semantic History
Meet some computational reference sources for exploring the history of language in the aggregate.

The workshops are aimed especially at humanities graduate students; all are welcome, but space is limited. To register, email Doug Knox in the Humanities Digital Workshop, Questions? Email or call 314-935-3247.