Workshops in Digital Humanities
These free, not-for-credit workshops will be offered Friday mornings, 10:00–11:30. Topics are related but not strictly dependent on each other. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop.
October 3, 2014: The Command Line for the Digital Humanist
Learn a few small language-like tools to search, sort, count, and analyze text files.
October 10, 2014: Data Cleanup with OpenRefine
Try a free tool for cleaning up messy data, like the output of an EEBO search or a sloppily constructed electronic text.
October 31, 2014: Data exploration and calculation in your browser
Stay close to your data while learning a programming language (Python) that will ultimately provide you with more flexibility than a preprogrammed tool.
November 7, 2014: Working with spreadsheets
See how spreadsheets offer powerful ways to apply computational thinking in the humanities with word frequencies or census data.
November 21, 2014: Databases for People Who Study Novels, Organizations, & Shards
Choices about data modeling are fundamental in scholarship that concerns itself with aggregates.
January 23, 2015: Graphs and Networks
Explore tools that help us think about the structures made by connections between things. How does the idea of six degrees of separation relate to authors, literary works, or historical figures?
February 6, 2015: Some Things to Know About the Web Before You Make a Website
Take apart what happens when you read a resource on the web, and understand the context for the technologies you can use to make your own.
February 20, 2015: Tools for Semantic History
We will introduce some computational reference sources that allow us to explore the history of language in the aggregate.
March 6, 2015: Beyond Your Word Processor: Text Technologies for Humanities Research
For some forms of inquiry, you need to circumvent your word processor. Markup languages help mediate between structure and expressive open-endedness.
The workshops are aimed especially at humanities graduate students; all are welcome, but space is limited. To register, email Doug Knox in the Humanities Digital Workshop, dknox@wustl.edu. Questions? Email or call 314-935-3247.