Presentations associated with HDW work


Kurt Beals

“Redefining Dada: the Avant-Garde Movement as Network,” on the panel “Dada at 100,” at the GSA Annual Conference (2016); panel co-organizer

“Dada Analysis: Networking with the Avant-Garde,” on the panel “German Studies and Digital Humanities,” at the GSA Annual Conference (2014)

“The Universal and the Particular in the Avant-Garde Archive,” at “Remediating the Avant-Garde: Magazines and Digital Archives,” Princeton University (2013)

Joe Loewenstein

“Hunches and Manifestoes: Imagining the Digital Humanities Here,” Oklahoma State University, November 2016.

“Et Al.: the Case for Data Science in the Humanities,” Oklahoma State University, November 2016.

“Spenser and Orthographic History,” with Anupam Basu, Early Modern Digital Agendas Reunion Symposium, Folger Shakespeare Library, May 2016

“How to Do Things with 1.65 Billion Words: Spenser and Historical Stylometrics,” with Anupam Basu, Center for Digital Humanities Lecture Series, University of South Carolina, November 2015.

“What EEBO-TCP Should Mean to Editors (of Spenser and Others),” Conference on "The Place of Spenser / Spenser's Places, Dublin, June 2015

“Spenser’s Spell: Archaism and Historical Stylometrics,” with Anupam Basu, Chicago Renaissance Seminar, March 2015.

“Affordance as Revenge: Principled Disagreement in the Oxford Spenser,” History of the Book Working Group, UC-Berkeley, February 2015.

“Extending the Affordances of the EEBO-TCP Corpus: EarlyPrint,” Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science,” October 2014.

“The Digital Spenser Archive: Affordance and Deformance,” Sixteenth-Century Studies Conference, October 2014.

“Digital Agendas for the Folger Consortium,” The Folger Consortium, Washington, D.C., October 2013

“Printed Reception of The Shepheardes Calender,” Renaissance Society of America Convention, Washington, D.C., March 2012