Digital Humanities Working Group: Joe Loewenstein

Digital Humanities Working Group: Joe Loewenstein

For the third session of the Digital Humanities Working Group of Spring 2025, Prof. Joe Loewenstein (Professor of English and Director of the Humanities Digital Workshop) will give a presentation titled:

"EarlyPrint at the NSF: Humanists among the Acronyms"

The session will take place on Friday March 28th, from 11-12.30  in Room 142, Olin Library Level 1. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A. Lunch will be provided.

If you plan to attend this session, please RSVP and provide your lunch order here.

The Digital Humanities Working Group working is a space for faculty and advanced graduate students to present works-in-progress for feedback before submitting their work to an external conference, journal or grant body. We also aim to create a regular community gathering space for researchers in the digital humanities across disciplines in Arts and Sciences. Scholars interested in any of the subfields of the digital humanities, including but not limited to humanities data analytics, cultural analytics, media studies, critical digital studies, critical data studies, and history of science and technology, are welcome to attend. The group consists of monthly meetings in which one or two faculty or grad students will present a current project. The working group is a cross-disciplinary intitative sponsored by the Transdisciplinary Institute in Applied Data Sciences and the Humanities Digital Workshop, with the support of Olin Library Data Services.

If you wish to be added to the general mailing list for the DH working group, please fill out this form.

If you have any questions, or if you are interested in presenting to the group, please email Claudia Carroll (